APIs for creating customized tours integrating means of transportation and points of interest

Visitmoov’s APIs allow you to automatically generate tourist routes that include places of interest and means of transportation adapted to the preferences and constraints of your users.

</> Find places "hotel" 500m from X Y
</> Tour planner external POIs
</> Tour planner Visitmoov POIs
dep_name:Paris, Gare du Nord
arr_name:Paris, Hôtel Park Lane

POI Engine

Multimodal trip planner

Tour Planner Internal data

Tour planner external data


Boost your applications with Visitmoov APIs

Need to create the ideal route using your database of 5000 points of interest …. with a duration of 3 hours … using walking and public transport … leaving at 3:30pm … by pressing a single button in your application?

Welcome, you are in the right place.

API POI Engine

A library of detailed POIs

Access a catalog of several million detailed points of interest classified by category (culture, shopping …)

Visitmoov allows you to add criteria, inject your own places of interest.

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Visitmoov APIs give you access to information that can be updated in real time, taking into account traffic and disruptions in transport.

API Multimodal Trip Planner

Multimodal route planner

Get a detailed and optimized itinerary according to your parameters to connect your points of interest.
The calculator covers the whole of France and integrates all means of transport.
You can choose, exclude or combine means of transport dynamically via the API.

– walking
– bike
– car
– public transport (train, metro, streetcar, bus…)

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Real time

TC France

API Tour Planner

Tour planning integrating places of interest and mobility

The Tour Planner API combines the POI Engine API and the Trip Planner API to generate a route (Tour) integrating visits (POIs) and transportation (Trip).

The API generates a customized route according to the expectations and constraints provided in the call.

From hundreds of possible locations the API identifies the optimal combination according to the constraints and returns a detailed itinerary, POIs and trips, in geojson format.


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Real time

TC France

API Tour Planner – External

Tour planning integrating places of interest and mobility

Similar to the Tour Planner API, this variant allows you to use a database of POIs and/or an external calculator, running on your servers for example.

You enter in the request the IDs of your POIs, the associated constraints (accessibility, visit duration, price…) and the API returns the optimal tour.


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Real time

TC France

Discover APIs in video